Proven scalability
on EthereumPolygon PoS is one of the most used protocols in the world. The network has tens of thousands of dApps, more than 3 million average daily transactions, $5 billion in secured assets, and some of the top brands building on it.
The best scaling experience for devs and users
Low cost
- Allows projects to scale by processing more transactions
- Average ~$0.015 cost per transaction powered by Polygon’s proof-of-stake architecture
- Approximately ~10,000x lower costs per transaction than Ethereum
Community support
- A highly active and engaged developer community
- 24/7 development support
- Extensive developer documentation to make building easier
Decentralized and secure technology
Polygon’s scalable proof-of-stake (POS) architecture complements Ethereum’s decentralized security, ensuring you have the ability to create dApps that can appeal to the general public while maintaining the power of decentralization.
The most proven scaling solution in Web3
Annual Network Emission
Unique Addresses
dApps Scaling
Avg. Cost per txn
Deployed Smart Contracts
Devnet Explorer
Explore and search transactions, addresses, tokens, and prices on devnet.
Technical Documentation
Start building on Polygon PoS.
Staking Rewards
Stake your MATIC to become a validator or delegator on our network.
PoS Explorer
Explore and search transactions, addresses, tokens, and prices on mainnet.
Safe Bridge
Safely bridge assets to the Polygon chain.
Add PoS Network
Add Polygon PoS to your wallet.