Venly Launches NFT App on Shopify

Polygon Labs
October 20, 2021
Image source: Dribbble

In just a few clicks, businesses will be able to offer NFT-based products on Polygon with little change to their current storefronts.

Venly, a blockchain technology provider, announces its integration with Shopify, a multinational commerce solutions company, today to offer a new Shopify application for merchants to mint and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The co-developed app will leverage Polygon POS technology to reduce friction from lofty NFT minting and transaction fees.  

The app is currently open to Shopify Plus businesses who can apply to become a part of Shopify’s NFT beta program and begin adding NFT products to their online storefronts. 

Shopify merchants simply subscribe to Shopify Plus using the application, connect it to their online store, and configure it. Once that is done, the merchant is free to create unique NFTs and begin selling them to customers. When an NFT is purchased, the checkout flow and payment process remain exactly as they currently operate, so customers don’t have to grapple with a new system. 

Tim Dierckxsens, CEO and Co-founder of Venly, said: “We’re very proud to integrate our platform with Shopify and receive merchants' feedback after an extensive development process. We’re honored to share the same vision with Shopify to make digital assets more mainstream and to be chosen to co-develop this app. By equipping one of the biggest web2 platforms with web3 technology, we’re taking a big step in innovating the e-commerce industry and making it future-generation proof.”

The app comes as part of a drive to take e-commerce to new levels and push the boundaries of what customers can do. As NFTs continue to penetrate the mainstream, consumers are increasingly looking for ways to get involved. However, barriers to entry remain high for the average consumer, namely due to a lack of NFT on-ramps and prohibitively high gas fees. The app, powered by Polygon, strives to change this. 

Unique merchants such as Beckett, 1of1nft, Moniker Art Fair, Avata, JG Contemporary, Creative Debuts, Bicycle cards, Miss J Alexander Crypto Couture, and artists such as INSA, 2ALAS are currently on board to utilize Venly’s new NFT app along with Shopify merchants in the near future. The app enables B2C retailers in various industries to bring NFT products to their existing client base with minimal changes to their current stores.

To mint NFTs while bypassing restrictive gas fees, Venly has adopted Polygon’s cost-efficient and sustainable blockchain solution. Polygon was a natural choice for the project, as the network already has 5-6x more gaming and NFT dapps than any other chain outside of Ethereum. Furthermore, it is already operational within most of today’s blockchain-based web 3.0 games and NFT platforms, including Decentraland, Opensea, Sandbox, and many more.

Sandeep Nailwal, Co-founder of Polygon, said: “Enabling greater consumer access to this novel tech and all the benefits that come along with it is key to fostering greater adoption in the space.”

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