PolygonInsights - WEEK23

Hola readers! Nickelodeon NFT is launching soon on Polygon, Nftically’s Comearth allows business owners in e-commerce to set up shops in the metaverse - powered by Polygon, Arvrse studio will collaborate with Polygon Studios for a first-person shooter game and an on-chain game distribution platform powered by Polygon supernets.
Let’s dive in.
Key takeaways:
On the network level, weekly active users reached 824k (+9%) and the average transaction/address was 2.5x since last week. DeFi projects recorded maximum growth across both - users and transactions. Curve crossed the 3000 (+261%) user count mark. PlanetIX continued the upward pattern, with its users climbing up to 16k (+24%).
- Gas Fee saved by using Polygon: $25.53 Million daily ($9 per Txn)
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