AggSummit Recap: Three Must-Watch Videos from the Future of an Aggregated Industry
The inaugural Aggregation Summit took place in Bangkok on November 10-11. Deep-dives, spicy takes (with hot sauce!), and collaborative energy defined a high-velocity, inspirational event

Time passes at different speeds for different people. It feels like only yesterday when over 1000 crypto gurus, enthusiasts, and big-brained builders flooded the inaugural Aggregation Summit in Bangkok, with a singular purpose: Unify a fragmented Web3.
Over two days, participants found inspiration in a number of technical presentations, workshops, deep-dives, and outside-the-box events, including:
- A game show, with mini games!
- Core devs of the Agglayer wading deep into the tech
- ZK accelerationism
- Agglayer announcements, like Agora bringing AUSD to Agglayer; Okto Wallet for a seamless aggregated experience; and Magic’s unification network, Newton
- Hot Ones, but with crypto founders, and spicy takes
- POL Rush, where founders pitched their startup ideas
Did you miss the event? We got you. Check out these brain-dump, pull-you-in videos from the event for all the alpha on an aggregated future.
There’s so much goodness to catch up on. Take your time! Scroll through the YouTube playlist for the best content and to get up to speed with builders.
You can also always read the intern’s AggSummit recap on X, with pretty pictures!
But if we had to boil it down to only a few highlights, here are three must-watch videos to get a pulse on the aggregated future—and dose of the vibes you can expect for next year’s AggSummit 😁
AggSummit Highlights
Builders loved the vibes. Check out the event space:
Agglayer’s Road to Mainnet: Featuring Polygon Labs’s Gabriel Silva and Paul Gebheim. On the road to Agglayer mainnet.
Future of L2 Aggregation Presentation: Featuring Eclipse's Terry Chung; OffChain Labs's Ed Felten; Polygon Labs's Mudit Gupta; and Movement's Shayan Sanjideh. On L2 futures and unification.
The Limit is Performance Creativity: Accelerating Agglayer with VPUs: Featuring Fabric’s Michael Gao on accelerating Plonky2 and Polygon Plonky3 using a new class of processors, VPUs.
But I wanted to see something about spicy takes?
Oh right, good point. FINE: Bonus must-see video: Takes get spicer as hot wings sauce gets flowing.
Literally hot ones: Featuring Polygon Labs's Marc Boiron, OffChain Labs's Steven Goldfeder in an ENORMOUS hat, Espresso Systems Ellie Davidson, and Agora Financial's Nick van Eck
So alveta zein, dear builders, until next year!
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